Friday, December 27, 2019
Heres a practice to have the certainty essential for you
Heres a practice to have the certainty essential for youHeres a practice to have the certainty essential for youI see a lot of my corporate executive coaching clients struggle with the balance of certainty and humility as a leader. They want to have the presence of a strong leader yet they dont want to appear arrogant or they have some self-doubt. Too often they dial back their executive presence as well as their voice. Here is a good strategy.1. Listen intently to everything being said from the 30,000 feet perspective not the 3 feet view.2. Before you speak take a deep breath.3. Ask a question before you voice an opinion. Can please you clarify? Help me understand.4. Make a declarative statement that is unarguable and hasnt been expressed no uptalk at the end. What Ive heard you say is (X).. Im thinking we couldIn the end the pause, the deep breath and the asking of questions gives you a moment to observe yourself in real time so that you may be deliberate not sporadic or guarded. Mary Lee Gannon, ACC, CAEis an executive coach and 18-year corporate CEO who helps leaders have more effective careers, happier lives and better relationships. Get her FREECareer and Life Planning Toolto be more effective, the leader everyone wants to work for and have a better connection with the people who matter while it still matters. If you dont know where you will be at the end of 2018, you are already there.
Monday, December 23, 2019
4 Technologies That Todays Tech Job Seekers Should Master for Better Job Prospects
4 Technologies That Todays Tech Job Seekers Should Master for Better Job Prospects4 Technologies That Todays Tech Job Seekers Should Master for Better Job Prospects This Language Will Help You Land (More) IT Jobs In the tech field, change is inevitable. People change jobs faster. Job descriptions for open roles change faster. The list of desirable employers in the field changes faster. Its no surprise, then, that the list of hot technologies employers want is ever-changing. If youre searching for a job before the end of 2017, or perhaps gearing up for the years best time to job search (early Winter), you might want to check out these coveted technologies. Adding these technologies to your arsenal will definitely help you land your ideal tech job .These languages on a resume make tech employers drool for a few reasons. Firstly, theyre constantly getting updates and are ideal for companies that wan t to use current technologies. This can be important to companies that want to be able to brag that theyre using tools on the edge of innovation. Secondly, Java and Python are also ideal for companies using rechnerwolke-based technologies. Not much mora needs to be said here- cloud technologies are the direction everyone wants to head in these days. Lastly, Java and Python are object-oriented development languages . Companies want object-oriented development because its more customizable, which has obvious advantages for any company. Object-oriented programming languages also work well with Scrum and Agile development methods. With Waterfall fading quickly into the background, Scrum and Agile have become hugely popular with any tech employer.DevOps will be big for any Sys Admin who wants to advance in their career and spend more time coding and automating. DevOps fills companies needs to build some stronger bridges between Operations and Development. A small minority of companie s will seek out Software Engineers with DevOps. Some Software Engineers are coming to DevOps through an interest in site reliability and a desire to work more with systems. Whether youre a Sys Admin or a Software Engineer, having DevOps on your resume as 2017 ends and 2018 begins will certainly help you land the jobs you want. This shouldnt be much of a surprise. As AI and Machine Learning become more and more advanced, they are becoming a businesss best tool in the toolbox for winning new customers and analyzing critical data. AI and Machine Learning help businesses get concrete data to predict consumer needs. Finding new clients and better serving their old ones is what companies often care most about. If you can add AI/Machine Learning to your resume, youre a much hotter commodity on the tech job market for years to come. In 2017 alone, Forrester noted a trend toward a 300% increase from 2016 in companies investments in AI. Again, this one wont be much of a surprise because its been hot for at least a few years. Most companies cannot survive without an online presence thats mobile-friendly. Business has moved onto cell phones. If youve got the experience and skills to help create and maintain Mobile Applications , employers will want you on their team In particular, you may want to pick up experience with Swift. Many companies are moving away from Objective-C and looking for a faster, safer, more dynamic solution. If you have Swift on your resume, this will make you a more desirable candidate. Samantha Keefe is an Interactive Marketing Managerat AVID Technical Resources .AVID Technical Resources is a leading information technology recruiting company with offices around the country.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Survey 52% of workers didnt use all their vacation days in 2017
Survey 52% of workers didnt use all their vacation days in 2017Survey 52% of workers didnt use all their vacation days in 2017While previous research has found that 41% of Americans feel shamed for taking a vacation, new data from Project Time Off found that 52% of American workers didnt use all their vacation days in 2017But how does this compare to other years? While there havent been any drastic differences over the past few years, this number was 54% back in 2016 and 55% back in 2015.Employees use an average of 17.2 days nationally - 0.4 days more than the year before and the third consecutive year the number has risen.Here are some of the other points that stood out from the research.Why Americans dont take their days offFor respondents who said their main concern was that they fear looking replaceable, which was the most popular choice, 61% dont use up all their days.Fifty-six percent of those who say that my workload is too heavy and that theres a lack of coverage at work eac h fails to use all of their days off, respectively. Fifty-four percent of those who chose my pet, the logistical hassles of traveling, and concerns about security and safety when traveling dont use all of their time off, respectively.Project Time Off vice president and report author Katie Denis commented on the researchWhile Americans are now using more vacation time, the benefits arent being fully realized because most workers are using less than half of their time off for travelSimple and avoidable barriers to travel end up costing American workers in the long term. When we forego travel, we miss out on defining moments, experiences and memories, and end up costing our economy, too.But the positive feelings associated with planning a trip could be another incentive to get out of the office - the research found that 56%of planners were happy about their jobs, compared to 48% of non-planners. While 57% of planners said they liked their company, 50% of non-planners said they did. Bu t when it came to personal relationships, 81% of planners were happy with them, versus 68% of non-planners.Who likes workcations, or traveling to work in another placeJust 10% of respondents say theyve gone on a workcation, which the research defines as a proactive decision to travel somewhere with the intent to work a regular schedule remotely.In terms of generations, 39% of millennials say theyre interested in this concept, versus 28% of those in Generation X and 18% of Baby Boomers.But overall, a whopping 70% of those surveyed arent workcation fans, while 29% are in favor of the concept.Why people actually do travelThe research found that 85% like to witness their childs excitement about travel, 82% do it for stress relief and 81% do it to make memories, among many other points.To Cross Off an Item on Your Bucket List was on the opposite end of the spectrum at just 35%.Still, its important to notenzeichen that 24% of Americans say they havent gone on vacation in more than a year.
Friday, December 13, 2019
What do we do about truth It isnt what you think it is
What do we do about truth It isnt what you think it isWhat do we do about truth It isnt what you think it isI have a sacred relationship with sound. When certain types of music find their groove, I fall into a trance My right foot taps into the rhythm, a smile carves across my face, my head begins to nod, and my eyes, at first, grow wide as they take in the surrounding imagery and then, at last, let themselves drop as the vibrations move through my body.There is a certain completeness that I experience when this happens. For one, the subject-object dichotomy appears for what it is a delicate creation of either the mind or the body. I cease to exist as a separate entity in my environment, shooting beyond my day to day self-centeredness, as I shine a light on the invisible threads that connect me to the world. On the other hand, this saatkorn subject-object dichotomy appears even more pronounced, highlighting the strange contradiction inherent in everything that I, otherwise, think of as true and beautiful.Ive long wondered why I respond differently to sound than I do words or visuals. To be sure, its not that reading a book or looking at a painting cant evoke a similar experience. They can, and they do. Its just that the depth of consciousness that I reach when I lose myself in music extends into a state of mind beyond the flow that I encounter in words and images.There is, naturally, the fear, as I write this, that Im being overly romantic, that my description of how I make sense of my relationship to music is more a post-event rationalization than it is an accurate encapsulation of what truly happens, but lets play the game anyway. Lets landlandbinnensee where it takes us.IAs a kid, if you had given me a math or a science test, that test would have been returned to you not too long after, all the questions completed as they should. If, on the other hand, you had asked me to create something, I would have failed not only due to incompetence but also because I w ouldnt have tried. Thats not who I was.To illustrate the difference, think about how a conscious experience works. In any moment, you, as a subject, will focus yur attention on a particular part of reality, where there are various distinct objects in front of you. When doing a math test, you may objectify a triangle, a few numbers, and a question. On a creative assignment, you may instead have a pen and a blank paper.Now, when it comes to the math test, all the information is already there. You just need to use your existing knowledge to connect those objects in a way that creates a certain answer. There is something that is clearly right there is something that is clearly wrong. On a creative assignment, only some of the information is there, but you still have to use your existing knowledge to connect those objects, and this creates an important distinction The lack of information means that there is no certain answer.My thinking for most of my youth was logic-heavy. If I had a cl ear question with rigid boundaries to confine it, then finding a solution to anything was never a problem. As long as I knew what I was looking for, I could make sense of the objects in front of me, and I could connect them in a way that would lead to my preferred destination.This love of certainty, however, did come at a cost. Much of my incompetence with creative tasks was borne from an identity that didnt think of itself as creative because it couldnt find a clear answer on the blank page. And when it couldnt find a clear answer, it told itself that there was no truth there and that it wasnt even worth looking.My mistake was to see creativity as nothing more than a game, a kind of play, one that I didnt need. Of course, play it is, but associating the lack of certainty that is inherent in any artistic creation with a lack of truth-value ignores the uncertain nature of reality, a reality in which what is most true is fluid and dynamic, a reality that transcends pure logic.As Ive g otten older and more comfortable with this uncertainty, I have walked towards it, letting it pull me away, embracing its inconsistencies - one step at a time, one moment at a time.IIIn mathematics, a fractal is an object with a recursive, geometric pattern that repeats itself across different scales and sizes. No matter how far you zoom in or how far you zoom out, the pattern remains the same. In nature, for example, we see this kind of complexity in snowflakes, seashells, and lightning bolts.A year ago, on a late night in the company of friends, lost in the sound of the classical music of Bach (which we are usually not in the habit of playing around each other), I was struck by a particularly strong intuition. At that moment, I was so moved by the sound around me that I couldnt help but feel that that man had tapped into a rhythm of the universe that was as true to reality as the laws of physics.For months, I didnt think much of this intuition beyond appreciating its sentimental v alue. But then something else struck me What if there are fractals embedded in music that make it what it is?Sure enough, a quick search returned studies by others who had had similar thoughts, indeed finding elementary hints of them in Bachs music. Benoit Mandelbrot, the man who coined the term fractal, was sure that music in general carried them, hiding in patterns we have yet to decipher.IIIA famous, old quote by the pre-Socratic philosopher Heraclitus says No man ever steps in the same river twice, for its not the same river and hes not the same man. In other words, we live in a universe of change matter changes, the mind changes, and the interaction between them changes.This change is neither predictable nor consistent. Parts of reality, those that abide by the laws of physics, have a mathematical harmony that we can trust, but as soon as you mix in observers with subjective experiences, this trust, at least in the broader context, gets clouded away by uncertainty.Living with u ncertainty, then, brings forth a question What do we do about truth? If we cant be sure that there is ever anything fixed and concrete to hold onto, no foundation other than the simplicity of change and impermanence, is there any hope we might capture some aspect of what could be considered eternally true beyond the confines of a systematic, logical framework - something not bound by specific questions and answers?One response, perhaps, is that if we move away from the reduction of reality created in our conscious experience by the language we use to divide and conquer our surroundings, we can aspire toward more complete knowledge.If we understand change for what it is, there is a way to see that uncertainty isnt the absence of truth but a component of it. When change is viewed as a non-divisible process that doesnt stop so that we can measure it here and then there - that it cant be captured in words and formulas- there is a way see how every moment is both consistent and contra dictory, a part and a whole, bounded and boundless - everything and nothing.Growing up, I didnt see that. My mind worked to uncover the consistencies, the parts, and the things that are bounded, but it completely missed the other side. It wasnt until I started thinking outside of that box, pursuing more creative thoughts and activities, that I was able to complement my limited understanding with everything that I was missing - like the contradictions, the wholes, and the boundlessness.The truth is both logical and creative at the same time, and this tension is at the core of what it means to exist, and its responsible for creating every other dichotomy that we find ourselves being pulled between.IVOne thing to note about fractals is that their abstract mathematical existence differs from how they appear in nature. In our mind, captured in symbols, they are infinite. Whereas in the natural world, they are not. Even if music exists on some hypothetical plane of logic, the world of m atter doesnt fully correspond to it, disturbing its sense of flawlessness.There is, however, something about music that attaches it to the truth, and this something is precisely the fact that it isnt infinite as a fractal. It combines both the perfection of logic and the imperfection of creativity when it manifests in reality, and it uses that combination to overload our senses with an experience that is larger than both the order and the chaos, without taking away their unique essences.As I think this through, I suspect that my own connection to sound is a bias of my body, or perhaps even a bias of our technologies, as once we set music in motion, we can easily augment its effect by manipulating it so that it hits harder than the words and the stories on paper or the visuals and paintings on canvases. We have more control over how and where we interact with it.The point, nonetheless, is that art in general does something that we typically and mistakenly credit science with It lets us peer beyond appearances and see the truth of our existence. Science, contrary to popular belief, isnt about truth its about utility about what works in this world, with a certain degree of confidence, where one thing is wrong and another one is right. It does, of course, capture some truth, but not all of it.Good art, on the other hand, isnt just merely creative. It, too, has a partial system of logic tied to it, where some degree of rightness and wrongness is distinguished. This logical edifice, however, is also peppered with contradictions, wholes, and boundlessness - things that balance the order of what we understand in fixed and concrete terms.As someone who until a few years ago had an aversion to the word spiritual, I dont feel qualified to claim alliance to a particular source of absolute truth, nor do I feel complete certainty about what it even is. But what I do know is that if art has any real purpose beyond its role as an outlet of expression and connection, its to m imic the dance of reality.The great books, albums, paintings, and other mediums of ingenuity condense the mystery of the universe into a form of vitality, one that not only shares a message but also moves you to really see the world.In one way or another, we are all looking for a connection to something that transcends the impermanence of change. The only way there, however, is to latch on to the thing that best embodies change itself.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.Thisarticlewas originally published onDesign Luck.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Facts, Fiction and Examples of Resume Cover Letters
Facts, Fiction and Examples of Resume Cover Letters For many job seekers, a titelbild letter plays a substantial role in the application approach. Construction and labor jobs need hands-on experience utilizing specific instruments and techniques to acquire the job finished. In that circumstance, its more important to stick to the instructions on the work listing. Infographic resumes appear nice, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Reading through our sample student and internship cover letters will provide you with a clearer idea of the way to compose your own. The resume has to be perfect. A Resume Cover Letter Format has an extremely significant role in bringing you the very best employment prospect. The hiring manager doesnt have time to sit down and read a memoir, they may just have a few short minutes to reassess your application completely. If you copy a letter and dont speak the exact use of words in your interview o r after you get the job, you get rid of integrity and credibility. Leave the hiring manager free of doubt you could do the job duties at the maximum level. An important requirement if youre attempting to find a new job with an employer, but in addition one of the toughest matters that youll have to handle if youre a felon on account of your circumstance. Actually, you may discover yourself struggling to locate the most suitable means to mention relocation on your resume and cover letter. For instance, a cover letter is a fantastic place to speak about a career shift or maybe to explain a protracted gap in employment. One of the greatest ways to receive your foot in the door at an organization you would like to work for is to mention an expert connection to one of their existing personnel. Youve got to keep in mind that there are several folks applying for a limited number of work in the work market out there. Mostly philanthropisch resource manager or interviewer will love to read the cover letter to know the candidate in a simple way since it highlights all the essential details. A cover letter is a document alongside your resume that states and extra info regarding your abilities and experience. You may feel like the document is unnecessary since youre already providing a resume with lots of information. If you would like to get high high quality research and thesis papers in time and for an affordable price, you should probably attempt using Most Noticeable Examples of Resume Cover Letters Keep in mind, you should target the requirements of the provider not your own. If you have to secure a parte-time job to cover your education, or simply need to earn some spending money, youll typically will need to compose a cover letter. Remember that its important to tailor the letter in line with the providers mission and the work role youre seeking for. The most essential part of any cover letter must be to include details about your skills, your qualities and the way you would like to benefit the business. Candidates who can paint themselves into an organizations future by using their writing are well on their way to landing a work interview. While it might look tedious, you always ought to customize each letter to fit the particular job for which youre applying. Specifically, explain how youll use the abilities and knowledge youve gained in school to the job which you are applying to. Whether you would like to receive a job in nursing, dentistry, or pharmaceuticals, weve got a sample that is relevant to your career path. Examples of Resume Cover Letters Explained The most important body of text can be between a few paragraphs. If your letter is spilling off onto another page, first reread it and see whether theres anything it is possible to cut. An effective cover letter has to be compelling yet to-the-point to avoid wasting someones time. When youre able to deal with the letter to the proper indivi dual, it makes a larger difference than one without a name. Definitions of Examples of Resume Cover Letters A cover letter is a document thats sent alongside your resume as part of your job application. As a consequence, your cover letter needs to verify that you take patient care seriously. Either way, it should deal with the topic of relocation in a clear and concise manner. A well-crafted cover letter may be potent job-search tool. Winning Cover Letters The example above illustrates just how to customize each cover letter for the particular business and position you want to know more about. You may be interested in internship cover letter examples. You can watch the complete cover letter at the next link. The resume cover letter is intended to allow the employer to understand how they may benefit from what is presented in your resume. Examples of Resume Cover Letters Explained Effective cover letters for business professionals concentrate on telling a possible employ er what she wishes to hear rather than focusing on what you would like to say. When it may also list employment experience, experience isnt the focus. Finding a nice job can be exceedingly difficult no matter your profession with incredibly qualified applicants being your strongest competitors in the industry. Demonstrate, if at all possible, some understanding of the organization to which youre applying. Lots of people can be identified as a consequence of their writing style. Moreover, all letters ought to be type and professional. Fitting in an essential example in your cover letter is a powerful means to bring some weight to your writing. Additional dont forget to place a colon after the individuals name youre writing too. The Examples of Resume Cover Letters Game Indicate level of urgency, if you will need a response immediately. You also have the alternative of making any clarifications. Regardless of what engineering track youre on, your cover letter should highlig ht problem solving skills and the ability to satisfy quality standards. The cover letter is where to expand on experiences like study abroad or coursework you could not have had the perspektive to describe on the resume. Life, Death, and Examples of Resume Cover Letters Be certain to tailor any samples you use to coordinate with your own background and the job for which youre applying. When applying for employment, you need to always incorporate a cover letter. A cover letter is a brief overview of a work seeker. Its critical that you customize each cover letter to the job which you are applying.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Working At Fidelity
Working At Fidelity Are you interested in seeing what its like to work as a Financial Consultant at Fidelity Investments?If yes, then you can watch the video above to find out moreFor additional information about working at Fidelity, click here to see all of their available opportunities and dont forget to press Follow to receive custom job matches, event invitations and more One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereo type is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent geschftliches miteinander strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found t hat the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions i n given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.
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